


“Just to say thank you again for the support you provided on the recent studio shoot, everything from the initial discussion to the build and install went as planned. The crew and kit did the job we needed to perfection. See you again soon.’

Marcus McKinlay Line Producer at Gallowgate Productions


“Prime staff made video production an easy and professional experience – and produced a video I was proud to run on our website front page’

Taimur Ahmad, Editor, Emerging Markets


“Prime provided an excellent service on our recent series Earth Wonders (5 x 60’ for Travel).  Not only did they help us plan the workflow using the latest cameras and ensuring there were no nasty surprises in post they also provided training for some of our crew before they went out on location and were available for on-site technical advice during the shoot”.

Christian Holland, Head of Production, CICADABellwether


“Just to say thank you for the programmes you have just produced for Wedding TV. The crew on the day were fantastic and very professional and the footage looks amazing. The final programmes have been everything we needed them to be. Please be ready to work with us again as we will be wanting more programmes produced very soon.”

Amy Hadland, Production & Office Manager, Wedding TV Limited


"We needed to do some filming on our ob doc at very short notice in the USA before Christmas and so I called Prime. We hired a Canon 305 for quality and ease of transportation and the guys could not have been more helpful with the turnaround, carnet and quality of kit. It's the service I always get at Prime which is why I go back to them time and time again."

Natascha McQueen, Production Manager, BBC London Factual


"For long-term or quick turnaround assignments, Prime's professionalism and expertise make it a "go-to" production company. Its caring and thorough staff works tirelessly to achieve excellence for clients. World Cup 2010 was a great example as Prime flawlessly handled complicated live HD uplinks of fan reactions at a Wimbledon pub during our international game telecasts. Prime, as always, painstakingly and cheerfully managed the logistics and execution, for which we are especially grateful."

Willie Weinbaum, Producer, ESPN


"Just a quick note to say thank you very much for all your work on Friday. The day went very well and everybody was very pleased with the results. I hope I have the opportunity to work with Prime again soon."

Mike Beale, 12 Yard


"It was a pleasure working with you on Bands Reunited. Thank you for your patience and the professionalism of your crew. I look forward to working with you again. Very best wishes."

Jacquie Glanville, Production Manager - VH-1/MTV


"Now that the end is upon us, I thought I'd just pen a quick thank you to you all for doing such a great job. The kids VT's look fantastic and the producers are really pleased with them. We all know how unproductive the kids were at times so please pass my regards to the crew for being so patient. Once again many thanks and I look forward to talking to you in the next couple of months to arrange the next series."

Sophy Jacob, Production Co-ordinator


"Could you please pass on my thanks to your crew for doing such a fantastic job on the series? The footage has come out brilliantly and everyone is very pleased with it."

Sophy Jacob, Production Co-ordinator "Your Kids Are In Charge"

Mouse Of Commons

"Many thanks for all your help during our Annual Conference. Your professional skills, flexibility and your understanding of the sensitive nature of our work were much appreciated, and we look forward to working with you again."

Rt., Hon. Tony Blair, Prime Minister


"In all my time in TV, I have never encountered a group of professionals more resourceful, cheerful, hard working and just plain fun to be around. Your guys brought an attitude that just makes me do my job with a smile on my face. Nick and the uplink engineers were just fantastic."

Sal Paolantonio, Sports Reporter

Comic Relief

"A massive thank you to you all for your work with David Bowie on Comic Relief yesterday. I edited the sketch this afternoon and the whole office gathered round to watch it - it's really fantastic. Thank you so much for all your help."

Alex Hardcastle, Associate Producer "The Record Breaker"

The South Bank Show

"Many thanks for your crews and help on the South Bank Show shot with John Tavener at Westminster Abbey. Melvyn was very pleased with what was achieved despite having no real time to look at the pictures."

Peter Pearson, Production Executive - Arts "The South Bank Show"


"I would like to take this opportunity to thank you and your crew greatly for obtaining some fantastic footage. Considering the pressures that you and your crew were under, both with time and dealing with the compact working environment, your speed and professional attitude, along with the great footage has impressed us all."

Scott Meade, Senior Executive Producer 


"It’s finally over, 19 insert shoots, 2 show shoots and 8 shows later! On behalf of the producers, this is to say a big thank you to you and your team, particularly the crews for their substantial contribution to the series. Of course my producers have not had the benefit of your constant assistance and wit, for which I am sincerely grateful."

Yolanda Borneo, Production Co-ordinator "Friends Like These"


"Thank you for your thoroughness and the professionalism of your services while we were shooting in London recently. The whole Prime team had the proven ability to respond to the instant changing needs of our multiple location shooting. Excellence in providing logistical support, technical expertise, transportation backup, key personnel and knowledge of local conditions are critical to the success of foreign producers working in London under tight time requirements."

Gordon Pennington, Producer/Director


"I would like to thank and congratulate you and all at Prime Television for the quality of camera kits you have been providing APTV. I hope to be able to hire from you on a regular basis."

Andy Stoneham

Hat trick

"Just a note to thank you and your crew for all your help on the series "Peer Pressure". Both camera and sound teams were excellent. Your equipment, skill, courtesy, efficiency (and of course keen pricing!) were an invaluable asset to the production."

Murray Peterson, Production Manager "Peer Pressure"

Gothin Pictures

"Just a quick note to thank all of you for being so great during our shoot in the UK. The boys came back over loaded with compliments about you. I hope we get to work together again soon!"

Nicole Huber, Production Co-ordinator 


"Thank you for your prompt response to our equipment requirement in May. We look forward to doing more business with you in the very near future."

Gillian Joseph, Company Director


"Thank you for your contribution to a very successful Commonwealth Heads of Government event in Edinburgh. These events do not come together without a considerable amount of hard work; we want to thank you for the cheerful commitment, very long hours and support you gave us during the job."

Mike Jessey, Managing Director


"I just wanted to drop you a brief note to express my feelings on working your crew last week. I have worked with few crews with as much talent, commitment, sparkle and good humour. Most shoots for Watchdog and Weekend Watchdog go beyond the predicted schedule, and I have to say that they were constantly dedicated, inspired and professional throughout the 13 hour shoot."

David Bartlett, Director "Watchdog"


"Thank you very much for the equipment. You saved our job!"

Jan Anderson, Producer/Cameraman 

Antelope south

"Thank you all very much for all your hard work on both our recent documentaries. As I am sure you are all aware, we have to work within extremely tight budgets and production schedules so we were all delighted to work with such a professional team and have the benefit of such a range of wonderful equipment to enhance the filming."

Natascha McQueen, Production Manager


"I would like to express my belated thank you for all your help with the production. As ever, it is only with your understanding and support that we can continue to achieve the quality of production we strive for. Thanks again."

Mike Beale, 12 Yard


"Just a quick note to thank you for doing such a wonderful job and your understanding concerning our shoot. I hope to be working with you again soon."

Rebecca Shepherd, Production Co-ordinator


"The Prime crew were professional, efficient and very user-friendly. Even better, they work crazy hours like the rest of us."

Rosa Moratiel, Production Manager "SMTV:LIVE" 


 "Hey Prime, It's Jamie. I'm sat in the edit watching the rushes and just wanted to say a huge thanks to you and your crew, you were amazing and would love to work with you all again."

Jamie Sutcliffe, Producer, Objective Productions


“We have just delivered all fifteen programmes (phew!!) and I just wanted to thank you very much for all the help you gave us with the Series, especially with the cameras/Nanoflashes and cards etc etc."

Natascha McQueen, Head of Production, Rockabox Media