Cinestar 8HL

The CineStar 8 HL expands on the capabilities of the CineStar 8 to allow for heavier payloads, longer flights and increased reliability. Drawing on the experience gained with the original CineStar, Freefly has created a machine that can safely and reliably carry larger cinema cameras like the RED EPIC, Canon C500, etc. The new heavy lifter features longer booms, bigger motors and larger battery packs. Even with the increased payloads, flight times are increased from the original CineStar 8 due to optimized motor, speed control and propeller combinations.

Additional CineStarHL Features:

*  500mm & 550mm Boom Options
*  F45 Motors
*  Adjustable Vibration Isolation System
*  Optimized for Best Performance with Synapse Flight Controller
*  High Current Distribution Board
*  12lb / 5.4kg Payload

The system comes with a SD downlink so the footage can be assessed as its being shot and enables the director to give direction while in flight Quote <Back to list